Considered as a real source of hope to promote artisanal fishing in Côte d'Ivoire, the landing stage of Locodro named "Mohammed VI Landing Point" is still far from meeting this expectation after its opening in June 2018. This situation raises several questions about the difficulties it faces given the amenities it has to be an excellent supply centre for fishery products. This study therefore makes it possible to identify these difficulties, to show their consequences on the socio-economic life of the actors and to make recommendations for the good functioning of the said landing stage. For the collection of data, documents dealing with themes related to fishing were consulted. In addition, a survey was carried out by means of a questionnaire and interviews. The results showed that the difficulties hindering the proper functioning of the landing stage are mainly related to its relocation from Abobo-Doumé to Locodjro. These difficulties have a negative impact on the socio-economic life of the stakeholders. This situation, which gives rise to concern, recommends that corrective measures be taken with the involvement of all the parties concerned for a sustainable profitability of the landing stage for the benefit of all.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Sekongo Largaton Guénolé, Yeo Napari Elisée, Koudou Dogbo

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