Dominic Osei-Boakye, Isaac Boakye


The overall objective of the study was to compare the customer orientation attitude of selected private and public Universities in Ghana. Besides, the study also examined the probability of private or public Universities being more customer oriented than the other. The study employed the use of the descriptive design. Data was collected from three private and public Universities in Ghana. The study used standardized questionnaires as the main source of data collection instrument. In terms of the analysis of data, the study employed the use of the statistical package for social sciences version 21. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The findings revealed that that there is a statistically significant difference in the customer orientation behaviour (t (420)= -1.049, p>.05) of private universities (M= 6.78, SD= 0.002) and public universities ((M= 7.02, SD= 0.82). Again, the predicted odds that a student from a public university is Exp(B) =0.303, however since the coefficient is (-1.192), that is negative, thus, a student from a public university is 30% less than likely to perceive themselves as customers compared with a student from a private university. Recommendations as well as areas for further study have been presented.

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customer orientation, private university, public university

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v6i6.1153

Copyright (c) 2021 Dominic Osei-Boakye, Isaac Boakye

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