The question of anthroponymy can be understood as a multidimensional concern since the individual name is an instrument of social and cultural identification and integration. Unfortunately, we see nowadays that the names of people among the Maxi, true cultural heritages, carriers of meaning and significance are in the process of disappearing. Hence this reflection aimed at contributing to an analysis of the naming system in the maxi environment of Benin. Qualitative in nature, the production of data was based on a sample of eighty (80) social actors. The sample is identified using saturation sampling techniques (Deslauriers, 1991) and reasoned choice. The data was collected using two tools, namely the interview (interview guide and life story) and the documentary study.
The empirical data analyzed and processed were analyzed according to the methodological individualism of Raymond Boudon (1992). The theoretical corpus reveals that the name can have an influence on the individual who wears it depending on whether it has an unpleasant or sympathetic connotation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v7i1.1177
Copyright (c) 2021 Pierrette Affia Houndonougbo

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