Do Thi Hien, Luu Mai Hoa


Choosing the path of proletarian revolution to liberate the nation, emancipate classes, and liberate people, Ho Chi Minh has placed top attention on changing and developing the country's education, considering it the basic foundation to change ideologies, awaken the national consciousness among the people, and make the revolution a complete success. Ho Chi Minh emphasized the role of education, considering it as one of the factors determining the success of realizing the goal of building a new Vietnam. Inheriting and applying Ho Chi Minh's thought in the cause of renewal, the Communist Party of Vietnam has always paid attention to building and developing education to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization of the country. In the period of international economic integration, meeting the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution, the training of high-quality human resources has become even more urgent. Ho Chi Minh's thought on education has become more and more practical in training, developing and using quality human resources to serve the country's socio-economic goals, and realize the goal of "rich people, a strong country, equal, democratic and civilized society".

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President Ho Chi Minh, education, human resources, the fourth industrial revolution

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v7i1.1193

Copyright (c) 2021 Do Thi Hien, Luu Mai Hoa

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