Dimas Danang Waskita Putera, Nova Enita Simaremare, Mirza Aulia Ismunanda


CV. Berkah Medika Farma is a company that oversees three pharmacies in Banjarnegara Regency. This company is undergoing developments and changes to be able to keep up with the times. The change made by the management brings a diverse attitude from its employees. This case study research was conducted to see a picture of the dynamics of attitudes that pharmacists have towards the changes that are happening in the company. The study subjects consisted of five pharmacists working on CV. Berkah Medika Farma. This study uses a qualitative approach with measuring instruments used in the form of interviews using semi-structured questions derived from attitude theory from Triandis. The results are processed with coding methods, namely open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Based on this study, the results were obtained in the form of an overview of the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components that shape the attitudes of pharmacists in the face of changes that are happening in the company. The majority of pharmacists have components of a positive attitude towards the changes that are taking place. At first the pharmacists claimed not to be familiar with the changes that occurred, but over time they began to get used to and able to implement these changes. However, data found that there are pharmacists who experience inconsistencies between attitude components in the face of these changes. Based on the findings obtained in this study, management needs to hold a meeting with all its employees to discuss changes and new policies implemented so that all employees understand and are able to implement them optimally.


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attitude, change, pharmacist, CV. Berkah Medika Farma

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Copyright (c) 2022 Dimas Danang Waskita Putera, Nova Enita Simaremare, Mirza Aulia Ismunanda

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