Scholars in recent times are developing keen interests in recidivism. This is because the rate at which it is rising is worrisome. Recidivism is not only a problem to a recidivist but also to his/her family members, the society and to the nation. It leads to a waste of time and potential on the part of the individual recidivist and also funds and resources (human and capital) on the part of the nation which if not well handled, could lead to the death of the offenders. This study, therefore, investigated the relationship between family dysfunction, substance abuse, social support, emotional intelligence and recidivism. One hundred and eighty seven (187) participants were chosen among young adult inmates of Agodi correctional facility using simple randomisation. Three research questions were raised and answered for the study. Validated and standardized instruments were used to collect the data. Data collected were analysed using the Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Product Moment Correlation at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed a significant relationship between the independent variables and recidivism Based on the findings, it was recommended that mental health professionals should be engaged in the development of packages that will enhance the thorough participation of inmates in therapeutic programs, promote their psychological well-being and reduce their tendencies for reoffending. Family cohesion should not be traded for anything as its consequences are unimaginably destructive. To this end, every family member must unite to achieve it. On drug abuse, government agencies in charge of drugs should intensify their efforts on the misuse of drugs, especially among the young adults as this would not only promote healthy living but reduce criminal behaviours and recidivism.
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