The formation of a caring character for the environment based on local wisdom by the Bajo tribal community in the South Halmahera Regency provides positive results in realizing environmental conservation. This study aims to describe the formation of environmental care characteristics based on the local wisdom of the Bajo tribal community that can be carried out well. With a population of around 2,503 people, most of the Bajo tribal people inhabit the coastline and live through marine-oriented activities. This research uses ethnographic research with a qualitative approach. Data were collected by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The object of this research is the community and the younger generation of the Bajo tribe. Informants were selected using purposive sampling by using triangulation of sources that can describe the formation of environmental care characters based on the local wisdom of the Bajo tribe. Data analysis techniques include the stages of data collection, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the formation of environmental care characters based on the local wisdom of the Bajo tribe in the Bajo community had a positive impact on the environment, economy, and education. Meanwhile, the challenges and obstacles are the low levels of public awareness and no sense of responsibility towards the spirit of caring for the environment and preserving the environment.
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