The study aimed to narrate and draw out the experiences and insights of the Non-major Social Studies teacher teaching Social Studies regarding how the use of process-oriented strategies. This qualitative study engages a phenomenological approach for the better contributor of meaningful understanding and processes determining experiences and insights of the teachers. The use of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions explore the affairs of the non-major Social Studies teacher. The study revealed the teacher’s experiences and the process-oriented strategies they implement. Participants claimed that they had undergone several challenges and distractions in teaching, such as challenges in content preparation, being obligated to review key concepts, and flexibility in teaching practices. The coping mechanisms as to acceptance and adaptation, innovation and teamwork, and the use of concepts in process-oriented strategies. The different insights and flexibility are vital, training and seminars are needed, and consultation and supervisors’ help are necessary. The study’s findings stipulated that process-oriented strategies helped teachers teach outside their specialization patterns the decisions and actions over the year of their teaching career. This addresses problems and shapes the students’ academic endeavors by developing and implementing strategies that both help students’ holistic nationalism and teachers’ professional development.
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