Saudi Arabia's criminal policies are hampered by a paucity of research findings, which generally guide decision-makers on the best course of action. Despite the availability of GIS datasets and modelling tools, crime analysis is an issue that receives little attention. This study used GIS data to map out hotspots in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in order to analyze shoplifting crime. The study also looked into whether population density and the proximity of stores to police stations have an impact on shoplifting crimes. These methods involve the use of proximity analyses and the Kernel Density Estimator (KDE). The results suggest that police stations are not evenly distributed throughout the city. Furthermore, in relation to the density and size of the people in Jeddah, especially in comparison to Western cities, the number of police stations is small. The KDE analysis shows the crime hotspots surrounding the city centre, which are higher in crime than the areas to the north and south. The results of this study can be used to improve decision-making in crime prevention and control in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere since they provide an understanding of the spatial patterns of crime with a special focus on shoplifting crime.
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