Tran Minh Duc


Ethnic minorities in Vietnam live primarily in mountainous areas, which border a large area and account for three-quarters of the country's land area and play a very important strategic role in terms of politics, economy, national defense, and ecological environment. Vietnam's ethnic minorities have amassed a distinct and diverse national cultural treasure over thousands of years of creating and protecting the country. Long-held beliefs, practices, and traditions have given each ethnic group its own particular cultural identity, contributing significantly to the diversity and richness of Vietnamese culture. The formulation and implementation of appropriate policies and laws for ethnic minority areas is nothing more than the exploitation and promotion of all the country's potential to improve and raise the quality of people's lives; create the best conditions for ethnic minorities to escape poverty and backwardness; implement equality, respect, solidarity, and harmoniously settle relations between ethnic groups, helping each other to develop sustainably. The article provides some basis for effective and sustainable ethnic minority development policies.


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policy on ethnic minorities, ethnic minorities, social economy, development

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Communist Party of Vietnam (2003). Documents of the 7th Conference of the 9th Central Executive Committee, National Political Publishing House. Hanoi.

Communist Party of Vietnam (2016). Document of the 12th National Congress, National Political Publishing House. Hanoi.

General Statistics Office of Vietnam (2020). The 2019 Population and Housing Census, Statistical Publishing House. Hanoi.

World Bank (2021). Data for Vietnam, lower median income. Accessed from


Copyright (c) 2022 Tran Minh Duc

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