Sevilay Ağaoğlu, Muhammet Enes Özler, Yavuz Selim Ağaoğlu


In this study, the relationship between the museum and the concepts of leisure and recreation is discussed. After defining the concept of leisure, it is a study in which the relationship between the museum and leisure, the aspects of leisure activities in museums, and the purposes for which museums are used are discussed. The purpose of this article is to give the reader an idea that museum visits in their free time are also a preferable option. Museums are mostly used for educational purposes, but museum visits are not considered leisure activities. Since the types and number of museums are increasing day by day, the usage areas of museums are also diversified in parallel. In this study, the relationship between the museum and the concepts of leisure is discussed. In this study, after defining the concept of leisure, the relationship between the museum, leisure and recreation, the fact that museums are leisure activities, and the purposes for which museums are used are discussed.


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museum, leisure, recreation, education

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Copyright (c) 2023 Sevilay Ağaoğlu, Muhammet Enes Özler, Yavuz Selim Ağaoğlu

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