Uğur Oral


Although the Turkish and Greek peoples have lived together for many years, they have also had to live and share problematic periods as a result of the policies of their governments. The two peoples have fought wars in the past, but have always come to each other's aid in difficult times. Due to unresolved problems and harsh rhetoric from politicians, two geographically very close neighbors had sometimes drifted apart. In the survey conducted simultaneously in Turkey and Greece, the two communities explained in detail the issues on which they agree or disagree in Turkish-Greek relations and their suggestions for solutions to existing problems. The results of this research, which reveals the perspectives of the peoples of the two neighboring countries on Turkish-Greek relations with a scientific approach and an objective point of view, will present a different vision to both societies and the governments of both countries.


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communication, Greece, Turkey, Turkish-Greek relations, Turkish-Greek friendship

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v8i3.1444

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