Cherryfe M. España, Nestor C. Nabe


This paper aimed to develop a multidimensional framework of neighborhood crime in Davao City. The study employed a quantitative, non-experimental research design employing Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). A researcher-made instrument was utilized which was developed from in-depth interview of 12 selected residents, related literatures, and studies. To determine the validity of items, the researcher employed Content Validity Ratio (CVR) where ten (10) experts reviewed and validated the instrument. Item statements that passed the threshold of 0.80 were selected as part of the survey questionnaire. As a result, 43-item instrument was developed and utilized as data collection tool administered to 300 residents of Davao City as research participants. Using Exploratory Factor Analysis, 29 items remained in the model to compose the four (4) constructs after 17 rotations and iterations, therefore, making them the factors characterizing neighborhood crime in Davao City. Using thematic analysis, the factors were clustered as (1) breakdown of social control, (2) social disorder, (3) social deviance, (4) social disintegration.  Revealed structures of neighborhood crime can be an aid to frame policies and strategies to augment peacekeeping efforts in suppressing crime and other forms of delinquency, to strengthen ties within the community and lastly, to create a safe and secured society.


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criminal justice, neighborhood crime, community residents, exploratory factor analysis, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v8i6.1500

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