Clemente Noel IV C. Naguio


Becker (1996) said that militias are right-wing populist movements that form from frustrations, in particular when the economy is poor. Outwardly, unrest fuels paramilitary forces, the unconscious incarnation of its hero-myths, and the accompanying symbols in the racial unconscious. Here, heroes are born out of necessity, specifically by some who rose above poverty. Using the Jungian model, Frye proposes the seasons as the phases where a hero follows the seasonal narratives from birth to tragedy, death and rebirth. Here, the Angels, a paramilitary force, reaches the pinnacle of their achievement, the Redemption of their identity via all four phases, fully vindicated in the memories of their survivors despite their pejorative origins. After furtive sessions with the survivors, the deepest unconscious embedded in Jungian archetype of the collective psyche was discovered. The undertones were deeply religious and arresting to discover that the militia provided for the needs of the townsfolk for immediate relief and basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing which explains the positive impression of those who have survived the phenomenon.


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collective unconscious, Jung, militia, archetype

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