Globally, corruption poses a major challenge because it is at the heart of all other crimes, serious or petty. Kenya’s commitment in the fight against corruption has severely been tested. In spite of many laws to address the scourge of corruption, the perception ratings have persistently remained high. While there is corruption in every sector, and in every nation as the Perception Corruption Indices indicates, land related corruption appear to have been given little focus by the media. We have a number of counties in Kenya where land adjudication has never been finalized since 1963 when the country attained independence. The reasons for this slow pace are probably a direct consequence of corruption. A review of literature on land related corruption indicates a paucity of studies on this sector in the country. However, there are many studies on corruption generally around the world. This desktop study set out to establish the types of land related corruption is covered by the media around the world. Findings indicate that the governance challenges in land administration are the same even though their magnitudes vary. The typology includes bribes for various services; malpractices extend to preparing parallel titles for registered and unregistered parcels and title issued outside the Government system among others. Other areas prone to corruption are transfer of property, valuations, buying and selling land, land registration, mutation, Surveying and land revenue officers. Land use planning divisions are amongst the very corrupt institutions. This study supports Borner, Brunetti, and Weder (1995) in calling for the restoration of watchdog journalism who argue that watchdog reporting is “potentially a highly effective mechanism of external control” against corruption. Secondly, given the power of the media to influence opinion, unless salience of land corruption is elevated, the public will not pick it as an issue for debate or least of all a matter of concern for policy makers to address. The study will make policy suggestions on how to deal with corruption in the land sector in Kenya by borrowing from those countries that have attempted
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