The purpose of this study was to investigate early childhood educators’ perceptions, attitudes and intentions towards the exploitation of principles of connectivism concerning their professional training. The sample of this study was 744 early childhood educators, both educators with gradual professional experience, as well as prospective educators (students). This study was conducted with survey methods and the data were collected by using a questionnaire, developed by the researcher, which was based on the theory of connectivism and was created for the purposes of this study only. At the end of the study was noted that there are generally positive attitudes and intentions, regarding connectivism, that coexist with a relative hesitation. Results indicated that significant differences do exist between early childhood educators and senior students regarding their New Technologies usage profile and work experience. The necessity for training early childhood educators was highlighted, so as they will be able to explore and exploit the potential of participatory web 2.0 to lifelong learning and professional development. Implications for further research were discussed.
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