This study compares psychological symptoms and sexual tendencies in women with a history of mental disorders, women with physical and health problems. This research is a methodological, descriptive, and causal comparison, in terms of the fundamental purpose and in terms of collecting data in a field type. The statistical population of this study consisted of women with a history of mental disorders, having a physical and health condition in the year 95. In order to select a sample in this study, 30 samples from each of the women's communities were selected and 90 subjects were selected as research samples. The method of sampling in this research was targeted to healthy people, randomized and available for people with a history of mental disorders and physical illness. According to the research goals and types of variables, a tool was used to measure the variables. Based on library studies and web searches, the psychotic symptoms questionnaire (Takata & Washakata, the Holbert) Sexuality Scale and (OBQ-44) questionnaire were selected as the research tool. In order to distribute the questionnaires, the relevant clinics were coordinated, the questionnaires were distributed among the research samples, and the questionnaires were completed after the response. In order to test the statistical hypotheses after confirmation of the default, the normal distribution of data was done using one-way ANOVA tests and post-Tukey and T-test dance tests for comparing psychosomatic symptoms and sexual tendencies among the research samples. The results of the test of statistical hypotheses showed that psychological symptoms and sexual orientation in women with a history of mental disorders, women with physical illnesses and healthy women have a significant difference.
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