The epicenter of every development discourse is for humanity--placing individuals firmly as the major concern for analysis and policy. With its economic and political implications which can frustrate development, Horizontal Inequalities (multi-dimensional inequalities among identity groups rather than individuals) is an important dimension of wellbeing and correcting Horizontal Inequalities should form a significant aspect of development policy design. People act according to perceived injustices and hence perceptions of Horizontal Inequalities affect the likelihood of conflict. This paper focuses on the group dimension of inequalities which seems to be ignored/ relegated but is a recurrent causative factor of ethnic conflicts in heterogeneous societies. It also explores the power and employment distribution amongst ethnic groups in Nigeria. The paper recommends mainstreaming the perspective of Horizontal inequalities in development cooperation in Nigeria vis-a-visa redefinition of ethnic/ regional make up; re-creation of local government areas based on population rather than land mass; adequate compensation for resource based areas; putting time line to the catchment area policy and achieving a representative bureaucracy through effective employment equity policies/programmes. These will help to close up the unequal gaps, reduce ethnic grievances and thus, promote stability and development.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.160
Copyright (c) 2018 Nkeiruka Rosario Ezeji, Bonaventure Ikechukwu Ozoigbo

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