Eirini Nikolaou


The Treatise on Music by Eugenios Voulgaris is a short work of 28 pages that presents his views on the power, virtue, and use of music. The treatise reflects the spirit of the European Enlightenment. Rousseau and ancient Greek philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, are the basic sources for Voulgaris' Treatise. His views concern the importance of music on all living organisms, on all aspects of human life, on the praise of God, on education, on work, on intellectual entertainment, on therapy, and on social harmony. Music can also be an indicator of the spiritual and physical state of man. Furthermore, the Treatise on Music highlights the interest that existed at that time among enlightened people in art issues.


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Eugenios Voulgaris, Treatise on Music, Enlightenment, ancient Greek philosophers, musical ethos, education, music therapy, society

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