A fundamental revolution in higher education is being sparked by the ubiquity of mobile devices used by students, faculty, and administrators. The opportunity is ripe for institutions, instructors, and instructional designers to take advantage of mobile technology to enhance the learning experience. To do this, we need to understand the power on tap, examine fundamental principles, review illustrative examples, and ultimately think through ways to improve the learner experience (Quinn, 2011). In spring 2009, HBS executive education launched a pilot program using iPod Touch mobile devices and a custom application called the “Mobile Nexus” to be used on campus during a six-week executive education program at Harvard Business School. For the first time, participants had real-time access to relevant, time-sensitive information and content from any location within the HBS wireless network (Gorman and others, 2010). Therefore, this paper will focus on methods of mobile learning, the application of mobile learning in higher education and how adult learners will benefit from m learning.
Article visualizations:
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Copyright (c) 2018 Khalil Alsaadat

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