Irish P. Bandolos, Bill Fares C. Romero, Justine C. Madrazo, Michael J. Antipaso


A career that is particularly exposed to stressful situations is firefighting. In 2019, more fire occurrences were reported, according to the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). The objectives of this study are to determine and understand the level of occupational stress among firefighter personnel and how it affects the quality of service of firefighters personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The respondents of this study were personnel from the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) in Davao City who had been in service for at least three years. The researcher identifies the personnel of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) in Davao City as the primary respondents of this study as they can provide authenticity, reliability, and accurate data that could answer the study’s objective. Simple random sampling procedures were employed to choose respondents from each fire station in Davao City. An adapted survey questionnaire was used in the study to gather data. By using descriptive and inferential statistics, the collected data is statistically analysed. Mean was used to determine the level of stress and quality of services of BFP. Pearson r was employed to describe a significant relationship that existed between stress and the quality of services of firefighters. Interpretations would be based on a 0.05 level of significance. Further, the P-value generated from the correlated data was used specifically to determine the level of significance. The result of the study found that there is a significant relationship between occupational stress and the quality of service of BFP during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the hypothesis is rejected. The researchers recommend comparing the level of occupational stress before the pandemic and during the pandemic.


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occupational stress, quality of service, COVID-19, strong institution quantitative, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v10i2.1800

Copyright (c) 2024 Irish P. Bandolos, Bill Fares C. Romero, Justine C. Madrazo, Michael J. Antipaso

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