Marien Matafwali, Douglas, W. Rolls, Nyawa Msidi


This analysis, titled "Breaking the Silence: A Dichotomy of Child Sexual Abuse Prevalence and Protection Challenges in Zambia," examines the trends and challenges associated with child sexual abuse in Zambia from 2017 to 2023. The study aims to explore the prevalence of child sexual abuse over the specified period and evaluate the effectiveness of Zambia's legal framework in protecting children from such abuse. Utilising a qualitative research design, the methodology involved document analysis of Zambia Police Victim Support Unit reports and an assessment of the legal framework. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS to identify trends and differences across pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic periods, while qualitative content analysis was used to examine the legal context. The findings reveal fluctuating abuse rates, with notable increases in 2019 and persistently high levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gender disparities were observed, with girls disproportionately affected. The study highlights significant gaps in the legal framework, including inadequate protection for older adolescents and limited statutory definitions of abuse. Challenges such as cultural taboos, socio-economic issues, and legal inefficiencies continue to hinder effective child protection. The analysis stresses the need for enhanced reporting mechanisms and legal reforms to safeguard children better and address the complexities of child sexual abuse in Zambia.


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