Alexandros Chaidas, Stathis Balias, Thanassis Karalis


In this paper, part of the results of research conducted within the framework of the PhD studies of the first author is presented. The aim of the research is to explore the variety of perceptions held by institutional social bodies regarding the education of human resources and social services in the field of human rights. A qualitative research method was employed to achieve this goal. Data collection took place through semi-structured interviews between February and June 2024. Eight in-depth interviews were conducted with key informants who hold positions within institutional bodies involved in the design and implementation of social policy. The interpretation of the data was carried out using thematic analysis. The results of the research indicated that these institutional bodies support the value of investing in lifelong learning, particularly in the education of human resources in human rights, as a means of building knowledge, cultivating soft skills, and changing attitudes in ways that can subsequently lead to the provision of quality services to vulnerable social groups.


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lifelong learning, human rights education, human resources of social services, institutional social bodies, soft skills, motivation, quality services, vulnerable social groups

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