Hani Saed Faraj Ali, Magdi Saad Farag Ali


With the ever-increasing application of photovoltaic systems on the power grid, energy flow management and grid stability have become a key factor, especially under varying conditions like variable cloud cover and fluctuating load demands. The paper looks forward to proposing a fuzzy logic approach to the management of energy regarding a solar energy system connected to a grid, aiming at obtaining an optimised power distribution among PV generation, the grid, and battery storage. The proposed system will be driven by five input parameters, PV value, grid availability, load demand, battery state of charge, and tariff rate, to regulate the energy flow activity within different scenarios. The simulation results developed in the MATLAB Simulink environment proved the effectiveness of the applied controller in maintaining energy stability and fulfilling the requirements of a load within seven case studies for a 24-hour duration. The work points out the potential of fuzzy logic, besides reliability, in enhancing the efficiency of various renewable energy systems integrated with conventional energy supply grids.


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solar energy, fuzzy logic, power management, grid stability, photovoltaic systems

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v10i4.1843

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