The purpose of this study is to determine the underlying dimensions that characterize meaningful learning in social studies. It utilized an exploratory factor instrument analysis research design. Respondents were randomly selected for equal opportunity to be included in the survey. A researcher-made instrument was utilized which was developed for a focus group discussion (FGD). The validity of items was determined through the Content Validity Ratio (CVR). Item statements that passed the threshold of 0.80 were selected as part of the survey scale. A 60-item instrument was developed and utilized as a data collection tool administered to 380 junior high school students chosen through random sampling. Using Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with parallel analysis using GeominQ rotation, only 34 items met the criterion for a cut-off factor loading of .40 and above, forming the simple five-factor structure. Results of EFA yielded the five (5) dimensions of meaningful learning in social studies. Using thematic analysis, these five factors were labeled as: enriching and inclusive learning environment; enhancing civic awareness and critical thinking; promoting character development and social responsibility; utilizing technology and establishing clear guidelines; and interactive and fun learning. The findings of this study underscore the multifaceted nature of meaningful learning in social studies and the essential components required to cultivate it effectively.
SDG Indicator: Indicator: #4 (quality education)
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