Felipe Jr M. Cergas, Emma C. Ceballo


This study explores the lived experiences of homeless children in one of the shelters in Davao City, their coping mechanisms, and insights in relation to their experiences to share with the community. The study employed a qualitative phenomenological approach. A researcher-made interview protocol was developed to be used in an In-depth Interview with five (5) study participants from the shelter aged between 15-17 using a purposive sampling technique. Data gathered were analyzed using the thematic analysis. The study revealed that the themes on the experiences of homeless children in shelters revolved around Adjustment and Community, Support and Care, and Challenges in Adaptation. As with the coping mechanisms of homeless children, the themes that emerged are as follows: Emotional Resilience, Social Support, and Divine Intervention. Lastly, as with the insights of homeless children, the themes generated included Learning and Growth, and Future Aspirations emerged as essential themes. It is important that shelter staff undergo training and seminars to equip them with knowledge and skills in dealing with these vulnerable children. In addition, DSWD, Policymakers and future researchers may utilize this paper as the baseline to create strategies intended for the development of these vulnerable children.


SDG Indicator #1: (No Poverty) #4: (Quality Education)


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social studies, education, homeless children, qualitative, phenomenology, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v10i6.1905

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