Parents are the ones who teach children how to get in touch with the inner and outer world. Mother is the interlocutor to the child's inner-emotional world, while father is considered as the interlocutor of the outside world. However, there is no cut-off in these processes, important elements of child development and transition among growing up and maturing steps. Imprisonment is considered by literature and studies developed as a factor that interferes in functional aspects of a family with multiple negative effects on the emotional and behavioral level, placing the child in an unforeseen, stressful, ambiguous and uncertain event related to their future. This study attempts to answer the question: "How do the children experience the father's imprisonment?" This is a qualitative study, with phenomenological methodologies. The instruments used are: hermeneutics, semi-structured interview and participant observation. The sample involved was n = 27 children of the age group 10-18, where 16 were female children and 11 males. Among the findings of this study are the lack of parenting and changing roles in the family, the problems in the school sphere versus co-perpetrators, the secrecy of imprisonment, self-isolation, guilt, mistrust of authority and the social system and lack of self-esteem. Among the limits of this study, we mention: lack of a control group and the involvement of two groups: those who have a parent in pre-trial and the group who has a parent in prison, small sample, the role of language and terms.
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