In this study we were aimed to examination between attachment dimensions (attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance) and some demographics (age, working status, duration of marriage and the person helping the mother with childcare) in prediction of child rearing behaviours(inductive reasoning, punishment, obedience-demanding and warmth). The sample consist of 230 mothers whose child in early childhood educational settings. “Personal Information Form”, “Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory II (ECRI II)”:”Child Rearing Questionnaire” were utilized to conduct to data. Data were analyzed using Pearson's product-moment correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Research findings revealed that attachment anxiety is the predictor of mothers’ obedience demanding and punishment behaviors besides, attachment avoidance is only predictor of mothers’ punishment behaviors. According to the results, it could be seen that attachment dimensions are an important predictor in terms of child rearing behaviors. The findings obtained from the study were discussed in the light of the related literature and some suggestions were made for future research.
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