Teuta Shala-Peli


In the town of Drishtit during the Middle Age, among the noble families, there was also the Spani family, who was very well known. Out of this family emerged important figures whom Aleks Spani was noteworthy. In the field of his activity, Aleks Spani was very well known both for the diplomatic role and for the exercise of other important function’s, of which we highlight his position as a mayor of the city of Novobërdë. Although we have not encountered so much information about Aleks Spani as a mayor of the city of Novobërdë, however it was proven that Aleks Spani was the mayor of the city we. After the fall of Novobërdë under the Ottoman dominance, the information we have for Aleks Spani refers to his diplomatic mission. Within this mission, he had served as a mediator between the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire. After the fall of Drishti under the Ottoman dominance, Aleks Spani with his family settled in Venice. The Spani family through marriage’s had managed to connect with the familiar feudal families, like the Kastrioti one, because Pjetër Spani’s wife, was the sister of Vojsava, mother of Scanderbeg, as well as with other familiar families of that time not only from the different parts of Albania but also wider. An example of this case, we got the marriage of Aleks Spani, who was married with Miliza, daughter of a Serbian despot, Gjergj Branković. However, members of the Spani family with their contribution managed to leave trace’s not only in Drishtë but also beyond, as we have the case of Aleks Spani, and his descendant’s, who although immigrated to Venice, played an important role in social trends or flows of that time. 


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The city of Drishtë, the Spani family, the Republic of Venice, the Ottoman Empire, Novobërdë, Dubrovnik, Aleks Spani, Pjetër Spani

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.273

Copyright (c) 2018 Teuta Shala-Peli

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