The main objective of this study is to identify impediments or information that affect problems associated with arrival time, which in the long run constitutes mobility challenges. Transport challenges exist in the Chad Basin due to the geography of transport, flow of immigrants which is always examined as a strong factor for the growth of conflicts (insurgency and other crisis). The Chad Basin encourages the growth of various groups for agriculture and commerce. The dynamism of Lake Chad had introduced conflicts which had changed individual transport behaviour and risks over the years, and reduction in logistic management – cross-border trade, an important factor for growth in trade for Lake Chad Basin Countries. The estimated predictors using the multinomial marginal change shows that there may be gains in access but the dynamism - the terrain of the region and current trends in security concerns has had effects on mobility challenges, especially due to unmaintained roads, high travel insecurity as a result of crisis and insurgency, high travel cost and longer travel time. We recommend that priorities of government in the Lake Chad Basin should gradually change from funding to end the insurgency and rehabilitation of victims to road rehabilitation, to remove all barriers to mobility challenges as a results of impassable roads and closed roads, high security travel risks and low level of cross-border trade in the region attributed to road conditions amongst others.
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