The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of strategic management planning in the development of healthcare sector in Abu Dhabi. The hypothesized research model and the key relationships were considered for the achieving the research objectives. In this proposed model, altogether seven hypotheses are developed to test the relationships among the various variables. To test the specific relationship of hypothesis, quantitative data must be collected to analyze the relationship and finally the result could be generalized on the population and select a sufficient sample size which represents the whole population that is what this research employed. In this study, the target population is the healthcare employees in Abu Dhabi. For this study, the sample size was 326 respondents from the healthcare sector in Abu Dhabi. Results revealed that healthcare service and facility is positively and significantly correlated with development of healthcare sector, as well as healthcare service and facility is positively and significantly correlated with financial and operational efficiency. Result also showed that financial and operational efficiency is positively and significantly correlated with development of healthcare sector, and healthcare service and facility is positively and significantly related with strategic management planning. However, strategic management planning does not a positive and significant influence on development of healthcare sector. The results of this study provide evidence that increased healthcare service and facility is associated with increased development of healthcare sector. This research has contributed to the existing knowledge by providing an empirically tested/validated model which could be used to predict a material portion of the variables that contributes to the eventual success of the healthcare.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Salem Ali Nasser Abdulla Al Mansoori, Mohd Shukri Ab Yazid, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam

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