Many Public Benefit Organizations (PBOs) have emerged within Kenya with the aim of offering solutions to the many problems being faced by the citizens. Donors provide funds to these organizations with a belief that the funds will be utilized towards the achievement of organizational objectives as laid out in the detailed implementation plans and annual work plans. In order to maximize the efficient use of resources and to create the highest level of transparency and accountability in these organizations, financial monitoring systems have been put in place. This research study aimed at finding the effects of financial monitoring interventions on programme performance for the Public Benefit Organizations in Kisumu County. Primary data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire with close- ended questions. A sample of 50 PBOs was selected out of which data was successfully obtained from 42 PBOs representing 84% response rate which was sufficient for the study. Data was analyzed using ANOVA (analysis of Variance) and descriptive statistics used included frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviations Data testing was conducted to obtain a good-fit estimation, tests were carried out to ensure statistical assumptions, such as linearity of variables. The study concluded that when all the three financial monitoring techniques are conducted simultaneously and other factors are held constant, PBOs’ programmes attained performance threshold with a performance percentage of 76.2 %. The results showed that financial monitoring positively contributes to programme performance for Public Benefit Organizations in Kisumu County.
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