In Zimbabwe, gold mining dates back to the pre-colonial era and has remained one of the major economic activities in the country. In recent years, the industry is predominantly conducted by small-scale operators and informal gold panners scattered around the country. Recently, the government has recognized the contribution of these people and has advised them to sell their product to Fidelity Printers. Through the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC), the government has encouraged small-scale gold mining in different parts of the country. Jena mine which is located in Silobela 80km from Kwekwe district is a member of the ZMDC and has caused several environmental challenges, which are discussed in this paper. The mine produces waste materials in the form of overburden and tailings which have found their way into the environment surrounding Silobela. In a research conducted during the period between 2016 and 2017 (using both qualitative and quantitative research methods), this paper reviews some of the challenges affecting the mine. Some of the problems, which the company is facing in its waste management programmes include financial constraints, poor infrastructural capacity and environmental pollution. This study notes that Jena mine needs to resuscitate its infrastructure and enhance its security to prevent illegal mining on mine dumps which are contributing greatly to environmental pollution.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Norbert Njini, Jemitias Mapira

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