With the proving that the prison was unsuccessful in the rehabilitation of criminals, alternative prison sentences were introduced. These penalties are aimed at addressing the many problems of prisons, helping to better offend criminals and reducing the prison population in various forms, such as house arrest, training and medical barracks, suspension of punishment, postponement of sentencing, financial penalties, public service compensation, deprivation social rights and the obligation to stay or stay in a particular place entered the legal system of countries. These educational methods help to facilitate the process of their socialization by facilitating the quick rehabilitation of offenders, by preventing the perpetrator from being able to confront his family with the collapse of the families and pushing them to commit crimes, and by reducing the rate repeating crime increases security and reduces the government's financial burden. The implementation of these penalties requires the construction of infrastructure and funds. In Iran, it is also necessary to think more and more in order to benefit more from the benefits of alternative penalties.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.323
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