There has been a victim since people came together for group life. By committing a victim of criminal justice, they will move to take action against the crime, and by committing punishment or other responses, they will seek to maintain a disorderly crime resulting from the crime. The historical record of punishing and responding to crime is coincident with the appearance of the first crime. Throughout history, humans have sought to legislate in response to acts contrary to accepted and valuable norms of society, in other words, along with developments in the concept, scope, type and quality, "crime" and "crime" in the recent centuries have taken place, and governments are facing a new delinquency that is complex and different from the past. Faced with "social reaction against crime", there has been a great deal of change as well. With the proving that the prison was unsuccessful in the rehabilitation of criminals, alternative prison sentences were introduced. These penalties are aimed at addressing the many problems of prisons, helping to better offend criminals and reducing the prison population in various forms, such as house arrest, training and medical barracks, suspension of punishment, postponement of sentence, financial penalties, public service compensation, exclusion from social rights and the obligation to stay or stay in a particular place entered the legal system of countries. These educational methods help to facilitate the process of their socialization by facilitating the quick rehabilitation of offenders, by preventing the perpetrator from being able to confront his family with the collapse of the families and pushing them to commit crimes, and by reducing the rate repeating crime increases security and reduces the government's financial burden.
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