This study compares life expectancy, public health and happiness of mothers of normal students with mothers of autistic children. Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that is yet unknown as most serious and most childhood disorders. As long the incidence of autism is increasing, the focusing on the needs and experiences of parents is urgent. This study compared general health, happiness and hope to the lives of mothers of children normal with mothers of autistic children. Participants in the study were mothers of autistic and normal school students in Mazandaran Province, Iran. 112 mothers were selected through cloning method. Miller hopes questionnaire, a questionnaire with 28 questions GHO, Oxford Happiness Questionnaire used as research tools for statistical analysis of data, descriptive statistics (such as frequency tables, charts, etc.) and inferential statistics, independent t-test to compare two groups were used. The results showed that hope, health and happiness of mothers of autistic and normal students the difference was significant. The results showed that students' disabilities and autism has negative effects on their mothers' general health, hope, and happiness.
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