Performance contracting and teacher appraisal were introduced in schools in January 2016 (Daily Nation 2017) a report on teacher’s performance appraisal systems noted that the current teacher Performance Appraisal system requires experienced teachers to be appraised every 3 years. It also noted that teachers received an overall rating of exemplary good, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory. If unsatisfactory rating, the principal and teachers would prepare an improvement plan outlining the steps that the teacher would take to improve his or her performance and the supports that would be needed in order to carry them out and the appraisal system is the mechanism that is used to translate the school`s strategic plan into action. To determine the influence of employee commitment on the performance of Technical Training Institute in Meru County. This study adopted descriptive survey and targeted 74 respondents’ from Management staff of the 4 Technical training institutes in Meru County. The study adopted census sampling design which allowed the use of a sample size of 74 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistic such frequency and percentages. There is a strong positive relationship between employee commitment and performance of technical training institutes. It was also recommended that the technical institutes’ management should conduct seminar and training to the members of staff in order to enhance employees’ commitment and improve their organization performance.
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