The industrial revolution which started in Europe during the 19th century has brought about major changes to human life. While humankind has realised major changes in terms of diet, nutrition, health and mobility, the resultant problems of waste disposal have worsened considerably owing to the emergence of products that are non- biodegradable. A good example is that of plastic waste whose proliferation has reached unprecedented levels during the last decades. Today plastic waste is posing a threat to livestock, fish and other aquatic creatures. Most urban centres in developing countries are littered with large volumes of plastic waste. Due to its non-biodegradable nature, it is posing a major problem to the natural environment. In some cases, livestock which consume the waste end up developing health problems which often lead to their death. On the other hand, the disposal of plastic waste into water bodies such as dams, lakes and seas have a negative impact on aquatic life. This paper examines the recycling of plastic waste in Masvingo by members of the informal sector in the city. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters in Nairobi recently banned plastic waste in coastal areas due to their threat to aquatic life. It is noted that such efforts are geared towards the eradication of this waste thereby achieving sustainable development (SD). This study was conducted between January and May, 2018. It recommends the establishment of formal strategies of recycling waste which would create more jobs for unemployed citizens.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Nyashadzashe Ngaza, Jemitias Mapira, Memory Mandiudza

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