In the definition of learning strategic objectives in recent educational legislation in Greece, it is claimed that a successful implementation of lifelong learning (LLL) strategies will contribute to increasing employability, social inclusion and fulfilling individual needs and aspirations. Among the most significant steps of these LLL strategies has been the proliferation of graduate study programmes across the Greek Higher Education Institutes in the last decade. This paper attempts to investigate the extent to which the above goals are satisfied, by focusing on an innovative graduate programme at a Greek University, offered through a “blended-learning” methodology. The data were derived from an empirical investigation that adopted a mixed method approach, in the form of on-line self-completed questionnaires, supplemented by group interviews. The findings of this investigation are expected to have policy implications that relate to the effectiveness of graduate programmes in Greece, especially those offered through a “blended-learning” approach.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.382
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