Climate Change is a concerning issue in the present world. In both, national and international forums, there have been discussions regarding climate change and environmental deterioration as a cause of insecurity. Human activities are the leading forces behind the decline of the environment as well as climate change. An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) report depicts that global temperatures are so far the warmest to have been experienced since 1885. These temperatures are expected to increase further to a margin of about 6.4oC by the year 2100 due to global warming. Global warming is instigated by the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere which ultimately leads to increase in water levels in the oceans and lakes. The resultant implications are displacement of people to other regions for safety. The natural resources are destroyed along as the natural catastrophes hit causing scarcity which leads to completion of these resources. Security is bleached at both national and international level as people scramble for the resources disturbing peace in the affected areas. Since security is a global responsibility, various countries in a specific region require an alliance for a consorted effort to avert the impending catastrophes as a result of climate change to maintain peace among its people. Developing countries are the most predisposed to these calamities, requiring that more funds be committed to facilitating environmental friendly activities and responding to risks of climate change.
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