The study assessed challenges facing the marketing of fashion products in the Ho Municipality of Ghana. A total sample size of two hundred (200) respondents was used in the conduct of this study. Quota sampling technique was adopted in the selection of staff and management of the selected fashion businesses. A total of 215 questionnaires were administered to respondents and 200 were received from them. The results indicated that there are several challenges facing the marketing of fashion products in Ho. These are lack of capital and credit facilities, high income tax, high utility bills and rent, lack of market, low and irregular income, competition of cheap imported clothes, lack of knowledge and skills in the use of clothing production techniques. It was found that challenges hindering the marketing of fashion products could be addressed through financial support, formal training, the ban of importation of fashion goods into the country and the regular conduct of fashion trade fairs. The study recommended that fashion enterprises should be supported by government and financial institutions in the prestart-up phase, the start-up phase and the growing phase in order to reduce the burden on them. Fashion firms should also be creative and innovative to survive the challenges facing the industry, particularly in terms of marketing, textile designs and fashion product designing. Fashion businesses should also embrace social media opportunities to promote their products. There is also the need for infrastructural developments that will help reduce production cost but improve quality.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Daniel Kwabena Danso, Anita Afi Nuworkpor, Jonathan E. T. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, Josephine Aboagyewaa-Ntiri

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