It is a truism that women constitute the bulk of the world’s population In Zimbabwe, women constitute 52% of the population whereas men are 48% (Zimstat, 2016). The number of women is more pronounced in the rural areas. In rural areas, 51% are females and 49% males. Despite these figures which show a high number of females in the population, women continue to be ruled by men. Women are subordinate to men who take control over them. The situation is not only found in the political field where according to 2016 parliament debates 76 out 280 members of parliament were females. The same experience is the order of the day even in churches. Is it really proper that women should be ruled by men in the church when they command so great a number in the churches? In most churches in Mutoko, there is a trend that very few men attend church services. But alas! The few that come to church have very influential position in the church. Basically, they are decision makers. This study will explore issues to do with gender and leadership looking at the trends associated thereof and reasons for that trend as well as suggesting the way forward. Some women are now getting positions of leadership in the church using the secular principle of equality and fairness. Is this the way to go? Will this tally with the Biblical regulations?
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.439
Copyright (c) 2018 Show Chibango, Cassim Silumba

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