The Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo or DRC) is one of the wealthiest and most Christianized countries in the world (90%). However, the country is also one of the poorest countries worldwide (70%). It is remaining in political and socio-economic instability for 57 years. The DRC population has dwelt into trauma due to the daily challenges which they face in life and they look for comfort and relief in religion especially in revival churches. These revival churches by their pastors promise to their followers a life of prosperity and abundance. These churches are the result of the secularism of country. As a result, secularism has become deeply ingrained because of the presence these churches. Such a liberal culture should contribute to the openness, the independence, the maturity, the nobility and the development of the population. However, this has created opportunities for exploiting people by some strong personalities in the country. The pastors of the Revival Churches (10000) are among these strong personalities who manipulate the population in order to achieve their lucrative goal. This exploratory and mixed method study identifies the strategies used by 30 pastors of these churches during religious consultations. The approval of the transference seems to be one of the most used strategies to tackle the problems of these church members in order to keep the population in ignorance, dependence and immaturity.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Corneille Luboya Tshiunza, Josephine Gibemba Mbuku

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