This study investigates the survival strategies of commercial motorcycle operators in Yaba local government area of Lagos State. Especially, the intent of the study is to ascertain the relationship between unemployment, inadequate infrastructure, acquisition of formal education and engagement in okada business. The study utilized data generated from Cross-Sectional Survey and In-Depth interviews. The population for the survey consists of registered Commercial Motorcycle Operators in eleven pick up points. The sample size was determined using Taro Yamane and Chi square statistical tool was used to test the stated hypothesis. Finding revealed that there is significant and positive relationship that exists between unemployment, inadequate infrastructure, acquisition of formal education and youth engagement in okada business. The study concluded that it is obvious in the data analysis of the study that Commercial Motorcycle Operation in the study area was central to economic sustenance of the operators as a source of empowerment and as a means of poverty reduction among the operators. The study therefore recommended that the central motivation for engagement in okada business is unemployment and infrastructural constraints such as irregular electric power supply. To reduce the spate of Commercial Motorcycle Operation, there should be provision of job opportunities for youths and regular power supply for sustainable growth of business and industry. Government should assist Okada Riders with the acquisition of skills that would make them employable or become self-employed.
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