Juliet Chioma Berewari, Georgy O. Obiechina


Industrial hazards involves a wide range of different raw materials, intermediates, waste products and final products, these hazards encountered are fire, explosion, toxic release and environmental damage. The study review Industrial Hazards and Occurrence of Diseases among the Inhabitants of Trans-Amadi, Port Harcourt. The population consist of 50,000 persons. Descriptive survey design was used; multistage random sampling technique was adopted with sample size of 1000 respondents. A self-structured questionnaire was used which was analysed using inferential statistics of Chi Square at 0.05 alpha level. The findings revealed significant relationship between the variables and health of the inhabitants of the respondents negatively. The study concluded that the respondents are exposed to numerous health hazards such as fire outbreak, noise pollution, toxic chemical concentrates, smokes leading to soot all over Rivers states, environmental degradation among others. Based on conclusion, it was recommended that government should make environmental pollution a priority issue and provide incentives and requirement for industries to meet the responsibilities.


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industrial, hazards, occurrence of diseases, inhabitants of Trans-Amadi

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