Voluntary Community Service (VCS) of college students adds an impelling weight to the importance of student’s performance apart of academic achievement in the universities. The purpose of this study is to determine the voluntary community service effectiveness among college students in Tongren University, China. In this study, there are five independent variables: organisational mode, leadership attention, activity funding, service location and publicity system. Thus, this study tentatively envisages exploring the relationship between organisational mode, leadership attention, activity funding, service location, propaganda system and sustainable development of voluntary service, and setting up a questionnaire through hypothesis test research. The findings revealed that the correlation between all latent variables is found to be a significant positive. From the above table also indicates that the five hypotheses are supported. By referring to the relationship between the determinants of voluntary community services among college students in China and the sustainability of the community service, it can be concluded that it is necessary to upgrade the numbers of location for students’ activities. Insufficient cost is also a contributing factor to the decreasing number of student participation in voluntary services in China. Thus, the government role is also required not only the policy optimisation at the university level but also the government to provide police protection in many aspects.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.613
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