Foreign intervention in domestic politics is an old phenomenon. The colonial legacy of various countries is the manifestation of this intervention. In this globalization era, external factors are also important for developing countries’ democracy. Bangladesh’s post-independence journey was not as smooth as the country went through a long period of turmoil, characterized by assassinations, coups, counter-coups, and military rule. Since the independence army plays an important role in Bangladeshi politics and foreign powers took that opportunity to influence the country’s internal affairs especially India, China, the United States of America (USA), and other European countries. Earlier military intervention happened after the liberation war in August and November 1975, later in March 1982, December 1990 and May 1996. At last, the military intervened in politics in 2006 and continued until 2008. This period Bangladesh was ruled by the military indirectly and the power behind the Caretaker Government (CTG) is thought by some to reside with the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI). During this military-backed caretaker government, global actors were involved in Bangladeshi politics both directly and indirectly to serve their purposes. The present research has investigated the nature, causes, and consequences of foreign interference in Bangladeshi politics during the last military-backed interim government. This study applied a qualitative research methodology by collecting data from primary sources, i.e., through content review, which will include newspapers, periodicals, party documents such as constitutions, manifestoes, press statements, etc. From the secondary sources, the historical background of the caretaker government, military interventions in politics, failure of political parties after the independence and characteristics of political cultures in Bangladesh have understood. The paper concludes that the failure of political institutions, undemocratic political culture, and lack of consensus among major political parties regarding national issues was one of the main reasons for foreign interference in Bangladeshi politics during 2007-08.
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