Managing of drugs and substance abuse among students in secondary school is vital as one of the national goals of education in Kenya is to provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance acquisition of sound moral values and help children grow-up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens. The study assessed the strategies being used to manage drugs and substance abuse among students in secondary schools within Eldoret town and its environs. The study identified the types of drugs and substances commonly abused, the reasons and effects for abuse and the effectiveness of the strategies being used to manage the menace. The study was guided by the Social cognitive learning theory by Albert Bandura, which states that behavior is determined by the environment and a person’s thought processes and pattern of actions. The study utilized descriptive research design. The study adopted both probability and non-probability sampling techniques to determine sample size. The target population of the study comprised of principals, guidance counseling masters and teachers of Christian religious education. Stratified sampling technique was applied to get eight different schools from the area of study; purposive sampling was used to select eight Principals, eight teachers of Guidance and counseling and sixteen teachers of Christian Religious Education while two hundred and twenty form four students were randomly selected to participate in the study. Quantitative Data was collected by use of questionnaires, while interview schedules were employed for qualitative data. Descriptive statistics was utilized to analyze quantitative data; while qualitative data was classified into themes based on the objectives of the study. The results indicated that all the strategies used to manage drugs and substance abuse in secondary schools are effective to some degree and that a combination of various strategies is what is required to have a positive impact. There is need for all stakeholders to consistently review, support and apply different strategies to reduce drugs and substance abuse among the students in secondary schools in Kenya.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Etsula Jane Minishi, Josephine C. Musamas, Wambua Benjamin Kyalo

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