Problems in the agricultural sector always take place, especially the problem of increasing income, which focuses on the issue of the production of agricultural products, especially potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L). Simalungun Regency is an region that has superior commodity of potato plants. There are still problems encountered, especially the availability of superior seeds that have not met standardization, fertilizer that has not been met, and limited labor. The objectives of this study are: 1) To find out the social aspects, economic aspects, and environmental aspects influence the income of highland potato farmers in the agropolitan area in Simalungun Regency. 2) To find out the sustainable agricultural development model affect the income of highland potato farmers in the agropolitan area in Simalungun Regency. Sustainable agricultural development is a relationship of several aspects that are integrated with one another. With the ongoing process of sustainable agricultural development the target achievement is a strategy to increase the income of potato farmers. The population in this study was the potato farmer community from four Districts of 800 consisting of Purba District, Pematang Silimahuta District, Dolok Silo District, Silimakuta District and 200 people were taken using the Cochran formula. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire given to each respondent whose results can be tabulated. The method used is Structural Equational Modeling (SEM) analysis using the AMOS program. Based on the results of testing with structural equation modeling, with the AMOS 21 program at the final stage, namely the stage after the modification of the model gives a better model of goodness of fit. The path coefficient of sustainability effect on potato farmers is 0.860, where the structural equation form can be written as follows: Ŷ = 0.860 X, R-square = 0.739. The direct effect of sustainable agriculture (X) on the income of farmers (Y) of potato crops was 0.860.
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