The article examines the relationship between the organizational culture and the entrepreneurial orientation in the Sri Lankan hospitality sector. The data for the study was collected from 215 managers occupying senior positions star class hotel sector. The analysis was performed based on CFA SEM techniques using AMOS 21 software to identify the relationship. The quantitative data analysis revealed there is a significant relationship between organizational culture and entrepreneurial orientation. In the research entrepreneurial orientation was reflected with three dimensions proactiveness, risk taking and innovativeness. The organizational culture was reflected with four dimensions organizational climate, flexibility or the support to change, team work and employee empowerment. This study develops a better understanding of elements of organizational culture and entrepreneurial orientation.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Nalin B. De V. Gunasekara, Sakinah Sukri, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam

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